Thursday, October 31, 2013

I love the EXPRESSION !

Hai hai hai. Sihat semua ?
Hehehe. Actually ain ade masa yang sangat sengganggg ! 
Then decide to watch on the Youtube.
So, selamat menonton ! ^_^

You know what, even though this video like a 'basi' video, i keep replay on this video.
They are really pretty awesome cute.
Walaupun cuma seorang kanak kanak. Opss sorry, dua actually.
Cara deaorang malu malu tapi mahu, ahahaha. Funny lol.

The expression was too cute. 

Sumpahhhh. Im melting.

"she wear tied a pony tail"

What do you wish you could say to her ?
"Do you want to come on a date? Errr, to a romantic dinner"

Everything was really cute !
Then, im a little bit jelly.

How come they have a feeling between each other, they are still young. And im the one who is getting older, feel like going to be andartu.

Hahaha. Maaflah bahasa rojak malam ni.
Babai. Love you !

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